Who would have thunk it.

Me. Writing a blog. Never thought it would have happened.

Yet here I am.

What is this blog, you may ask? That is, assuming someone is reading this…

I don’t know. To be honest, all the good blog names were taken. What I really wanted is a way to express my mind, without the fetters of social convention, fear of rejection and that ever present thought that someone I know is going to judge me.

Haha. So what better way to resolve my mind day after day than to put it on display for the whole of the internet!

You guys care. Right?


Ah well… Again, to be honest. I don’t need people to care. The only purpose of this blog is to get my feelings out there. Writing down all of ones thoughts on a word doc is great and all, but at least a blog has a little bit more of a possible discovery.

Because face it. If I died tomorrow my word doc is gonna die with me. So why not bear my soul for the world.

Can’t hurt to try right?

So sit, grab a drink, stay a while… Welcome to my life.