Day After Regrets…

I am tired.

Why am I tired?

Because i haven’t slept for 30 hours.

And of course I have my last final today right? What a brilliant idea to stay up 30 hours straight before a final.

Lucky for me, all I have to do is show up and stand around.

Unlucky for me, standing around makes me sick. Literally.

Last night I…”Studied for finals.” Studying meaning the classic college term for procrastinating, playing video games, drinking and playing more video games.

Oh and by the way. My version of Day After Regrets may be different than yours. Considering that I do not participate in the social convention of one night stands and alcoholism.

No, yesterday was just a very lax day. But today…

Today I am regretting it.

I have that empty feeling that a stomach gets after being deprived real food for a long time… Like my guts are literally crying out…


But thats what energy drinks will do to you. And I consumed quite a few.

Take my word tho, this is not a regular occasion. I have not done this in over a year. Of course the one time I decide to and am free to, happens before finals.

Thats ok. I’ll suffer.

But really. I need food. I’m falling over in my final.

Darn “Studying…”

Knew it would get me nowhere…